How to implement cel-shading in my graduation design, some simple tips

To share a simple cartoon in Blender to achieve a three-touch two effects and cartoon stroke method, the basic cartoon three-touch two effects in Blender is still very simple, only a few nodes can be solved, even if Blender is not too skilled partners can do after reading this ~!

1 Cartoon material

First of all, create a material ball for your model, delete the principle BSDF shader, material output do not delete.

Next create 3 nodes respectively: Diffuse BSDF, Shader-RGB, colour gradient, connect the nodes according to the diagram, change the interpolation type of the colour node to a constant value.

Press the plus sign to add a colour transition block, each small grid represents a colour, you can change the colour at the bottom.

Next, just adjust the colour you want.

2Cartoon 3TOUCH Edge

First of all, add a material ball on top of the previously created one, change the shader to self-luminous (emitting) open the back culling, change the colour to black, and change the shadow mode to none.

Next, add a materialisation modifier, change the material offset to 1, check flip in the normal direction, and adjust the thickness to achieve the tracing effect~!

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